Ah, thank you! I can only add that the capacity for generalization and training on smaller data sets have improved orders of magnitude in only a handful of years — and as a result, in all likelihood, we will have a cascade-effect. Suppose the bank doesn’t need as many loan application reviewers, and can’t transfer them all to other positions, so some of them are laid-off. A portion become programmers, sure, but most can only find worse jobs; unfortunately, that press of new job applicants reduces everyone’s bargaining power and earnings. If such a disruption happened once, we would recover — yet, that orders-of-magnitude improvement every few years, the critical point, means that each new wave of displacement will happen atop the last. People who re-trained as web designers get displaced by conversation-and-paint GANs that generate the code to match your specifications, etc. Student debt from re-training discourages the attempt, if your new job will be replaced soon, too. Our economic system wasn’t designed to accommodate 10x per year improvements across the spectrum of industries. Technocracy sounds nice.