Erm... check Neural Linguistic Programming. The Organizer, by getting his 'lovely assistant' to demonstrate, was engaged in 'Priming' you all, so that the people with the LEAST self-awareness could be identified and targeted. THAT was your Orlando Bloom - he got her to *want* something that she, prior, would NOT have written-down for herself. Neural Linguistic Programming is a technique for *creating* FALSE DESIRE within another person. It's used to create cult-like obsessions and self-defeating habits among women, for the pleasure and aggrandizement of the KIND of guy who likes casual sex (which is that same minority of men who are more abusive...the men who 'prefer many women' vs 'one life-partner' are the same ones who score highly on Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism - your Orlando Bloom, who wanted to dominate someone who is maleable.)