I'm combining both response threads :)
"It would be an absolutely trivial matter to definitively test this device and validate claims."
Yes. Members of IAEA and the head of the Swedish Skeptics Society tested Rossi's device nearly a decade ago, and found isotopic shift. Industrial Heat, that company you mentioned, had tested the device for a month and paid Rossi $10 mil as per contract, only changing their tune later - and Rossi won that point in court, as I recall.
You'd also have to ignore the presentation given by the US Navy research lab in 2014, as well as Holmlid, Celani, Mizuno, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Google, NASA, and the DoE. They are reporting two things: "We see isotopic shift and anomalous heat... and we *can't get it to work reliably*." That doesn't sound like a hoax. That's just a new frontier.
"fusion still equals hard X-rays and Gamma"
Hagelstein at MIT is the mathematician who has the most convincing model of slow neutron capture, called "The Lossy Spin Boson Model" MIT has been holding special sessions on LENR for years now, you can find them on Youtube, not some hoax.
"The highest melting temperature of any material known to science is 3,800 degrees Celsius for hafnium carbide"
That would only be an issue for contact with the container, same as a hot fusion reactor. Do you think NIF is impossible, because temperatures of plasma get so high?
"Well way to convince those industrialists eh? Oh, wait, this entire article was written by one of the said industrialists…"
I was clear before: the industrialist whom Rossi *has* already convinced are those *customers* who have had the devices operating in their facilities for most of this year. Those *customers* are now obligated to make their partnership with Rossi public. I don't know how you wave your hands past that, saying "hoax!" when those *customers* have seen their power bills for months, and *those* are the people PAYING Rossi, not you. Neither Rossi nor I care if you 'believe', because you are NOT the target market. He already has that covered.