Anthony Repetto
2 min readFeb 25, 2024


Try these!

- the collected published research of Kahneman & Tversky

- the collected published research of Stanley Milgram

- "Getting to Yes", "Getting Past No", "Getting Together" by Bill Ury

- "Future Primal" by Louis Herman

- every philosophy which managed to CHANGE people, from the Enchiridion to the Federalist Papers

- anthropological and archaeological research into Tribal behaviors and motivations, ways of clustering people, motivating them, and *responding* to Abusive Behaviors! ... in particular:

Tribes have a "No Asshole Rule" that is sternly enforced. Examples abound! Women will gather around the hut of an abusive husband, at dawn, to shout insults at him and throw things at him... until he flees the encampment! That is death, by the way, because he cannot keep a fire going while foraging and hunting, WHILE making all the diverse crafts and tools that everyone shared.

Same sort of thing happens when a 10 year old boy is lazy and belligerent: the tribe packs-up and LEAVES while the douche is asleep, so that he wakes to find "I have to do *everything* by myself, now..." Yup. He dies of something, in a few months suffering alone.

Humans experience strong emotions related to isolation from the group, for GOOD reason! When you were excluded from the tribe, it was a real death-sentence. So, no wonder that Solitary Confinement triggers suicidal ideation. And no wonder that Shame is such a strong motivator! We need honesty about those Mechanisms being Valuable, rather than hiding from ALL the feelings excepting Happy and Sad. I keep my regrets, because those are the times I was less than what I hoped to be. I don't wallow in self-pity; I am motivated to be better this time.



Anthony Repetto
Anthony Repetto

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